High School Parents: We appreciate a call when your student is going to be absent; however, when your student comes back to school from an absence, they MUST provide a WRITTEN note or an EMAIL to verify their absence before they will be admitted back into school

Just a reminder that yearbooks purchased last year have been placed into students' lockers. Yearbooks for 2020 graduates have either been placed in a sibling's locker or in the high school office.

SENIORS: The University of Nebraska and Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture are waiving the application fee for NE residents applying between Oct 1 and Oct 14. Use the code NUforNE when you apply. This offer includes all three campuses (UNK, UNO, & UNL) and also NCTA.

Support our Junior Class this year by shopping for your favorite holiday and Christmas supplies through our fundraiser! We have double sided wrapping paper, food items such as soup and cheesecake mixes, and many cute and unique gift items! Contact a Junior today to shop our online catalog! https://www.shopfund.com/default.aspx?SkinSrc=[G]Skins/SkinShopBelieve/HomeShopFund

These matches for Minden VB at Gothenburg today and tomorrow should be on striv: Friday-2:15 pm, 4:45 pm, Sat: 10:30 am, 4:45 pm. Go Whippets!

Minden VB Reminder: Only immediate family is allowed at the Gothenburg VB tournament this Friday-Sat. A list has been submitted for admittance to the invite. Nobody else will be allowed to attend. Go Whippets!

The registration deadline for all ACT Tests given in October has been extended to Friday, September 25th. The October 24th test will be given here at Minden High School. Contact Mr. Horner if you have questions.

The Runza® Feeds the Need fundraiser is coming up on Tuesday, September 22nd! Come help and show your support.

2020 Grads - Your yearbooks are in! If you have a sibling in high school, it is in their locker. Otherwise, they are in the high school office for you to pick up! The office is open 7:30-4 Mon. -Thurs. and 7:30-2:30 on Fri. or give us a call to get yours!

Due to Covid health issues within our team we are cancelling Res/JV VB on Monday, Sept. 14th and looking to reschedule JV/Var. VB on Tuesday, Sept. 15th. I will announce the date when it is decided.

Reminder that school pictures will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, September 9th. You may pay for pictures online at: www.martinphotography.hhimagehost.com

Fans attending the JV football game in Cozad today at 5:30 pm will want to take lawn chairs. In case of excessive rain the game will be played on their practice field with no bleachers. Go Whippet!

Minden Softball team will play Central City Tuesday, September 8th at Augie Field starting with VARSITY at 4:30 followed by Junior Varsity! Go Whippets!

The Minden Cheerleaders are doing a fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness. I have included the link if you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt to support their cause. Go Whippets!

School pictures will take place on Wednesday, September 9th. Order your pictures today by paying online: www.martinphotography.hhimagehost.com

SENIORS & PARENTS: EducationQuest Financial Aid Night is TONIGHT!! We will meet in the high school auditorium at 7:00 p.m. The presentation will be made by Stacy Seim from EducationQuest via Zoom. Parents, please plan to attend with your senior! Please wear your masks.

School pictures will take place on Wednesday, September 9th. Order your pictures today by paying online: www.martinphotography.hhimagehost.com

EducationQuest Financial Aid Night is coming up on Wednesday, September 2. We will meet in the high school auditorium at 7:00 p.m.
The presentation will be made by Stacy Seim from EducationQuest via Zoom. Parents, please plan to attend with your high school senior!

One Act Play Production kickoff is tonight at 7:15 p.m. in the auditorium. Parents are encouraged to attend along with interested students. Anyone interested in acting, set building, costuming, makeup, sound, or lights should attend. We will announce our show this evening!

MHS will host the ACT on Sept 12. This is an addition to the calendar. Sign up at actstudent.org by Aug 28.
Seniors will also be taking the ACT at school on Sept 22. This replaces the test cancelled last spring.
Contact the counseling office if you have any questions.