7/8 Volleyball Team!!
School Pictures will be Sept. 8th
You can order online at -https://martinphotography.hhimagehost.com/V2/Home/Index
Online orders are due 2 days before pictures. Photo envelopes will be sent home as well.
The football team will have a Gatorade Scrimmage Friday, Aug. 20th at 6 pm. Please bring gatorade or water to donate to the team for the season!
3rd-12th basketball parents: if your son completed the basketball shot program this summer, PLEASE don’t forget to turn their paper into the office! We want to reward the hard working athletes!
Coach Blum
The FFA produce stand is still going. Everything is free will donation. There are cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, and soon there will be potatoes and carrots. Thank you for your support!
High School student are encouraged to turn in their Application for Parking Permit forms by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow (Aug. 17th) in order to be issued a parking permit. Applications turned in after August 17th will receive permits at a later date. Thank you.
Instrument testing is happening during school this week for 5th grade students interested in joining the Whippet Band! The parent meeting and instrument rental night is next Monday 8/23 at 6:30PM in the HS band Room.
Purple/White Handoff
CLJMS Purple/White Handoff
Station work at golf practice today! These ladies are off to a great start!
7/8 grade girls interested in playing volleyball will have a short meeting after school in Coach Emery’s room (107) on Monday, August 16. Regular practice will start Tuesday, August 17.
The 5th Grade Band meeting will take place on Monday, August 23rd at 6:30 PM in the High School Band Room. Yandas Music from Kearney will be on hand. If you know what you will be playing, you can begin the rental process early at ezrentals.yandasmusic.com
MHS Boys Golf Records
MHS Boys Golf Records
Reminder: Fall Sports Parents meeting tonight in the HS Theater 7 pm. Student Activity Tickets $30, Family Pass $200, Adult Pass $75.
We have some updated information about this school year. For new and updated information please check out our website. We are ready to start a new school and excited for everyone to be back in our buildings. School beings on Thursday, August 12th and we will have a 2:00/2:10 dismissal on Friday, August 13th
MHS Students and Parents: Parking spots will be assigned this year. To obtain parking, a Student Parking Application must be submitted to the high school office. Included with the application should be a copy of the insurance card and driver's license and $5.00. Parking lots will be determined by random draw within your grade level. Applications submitted by Friday, August 13th will be considered in the first random draw. Applications can be found on the High School website under High School Documents and Forms and can be turned in to the front office at any time.
Fall sports students in grades 7-12 need to fill out the NSAA consent form on Powerschool under the Forms link. This will need to be finished before they can participate in practice starting Monday, August 9th.
Back to School Forms are now Online from your PowerSchool Portal!!! https://powerschool.mindenwhippets.org/public/
Need Help - Step by step instructions - https://drive.google.com/.../1f9CQqGhedwbgcC4wL2g.../view...
Video instructions - https://youtu.be/xsttfH8oK00
For the 21-22 School Year, MPS will serve breakfast and lunch at no charge to enrolled students. We need families to submit a completed 21-22 meal application. Only one meal application per household. Applications are available at each school and District Office.