The NHS dance is canceled for tonight. Road conditions are expected to get worse. Roads are very slick, slow down, give yourself extra time, and please be safe. We will consider rescheduling the dance at a later time. Again, slow down and be safe.
almost 4 years ago, James Widdifield
Nice pin for Braxton!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
SWC Wrestling Tournament -
almost 4 years ago, Shawn Wheelock
Bellevue West dual round 5.
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
Amherst dual
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
Hunter had his 150th career win today!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
MINDEN vs. Amherst round 4. Go Whippets!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
Wrestling Dual vs. Aurora: Aurora wrestling team is dealing with Covid issues and will not be able to compete in our dual next Thursday, January 28th. We will let you know if we are able to find another team to dual on that date.
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
MINDEN drops a dual to Gretna 27-49. Two more duals to go. Go Whippets!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
MINDEN vs. Gretna.
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
MINDEN lost first round to Kearney High but defeated Norton KS in the second round 58-20. Gretna is next!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
MINDEN vs. Norton KS. Go Whippets!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
Whippets vs. Bearcats round 1!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
The Whippet wrestling team is wrestling Kearney High at the UNK duals right now. Go Whippets!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
Minden HS Basketball vs. Holdrege Friday, January 22nd: There are over 100 tickets left to get into the games tomorrow in Holdrege. If you are interested stop by the High School office tomorrow and pick some up. Let's get a big crowd tomorrow. Go Whippets!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
2020-21 Fall Semester Honor Roll Students: Great work so far this school year Seniors! We are proud of your accomplishments!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
12 HR
2020-21 Fall Semester Honor Roll Students: Great work so far this school year Juniors! We are proud of your accomplishments!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
11 HR
2020-21 Fall Semester Honor Roll Students: Great work so far this school year Sophomores! We are proud of your accomplishments!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
10 HR
2020-21 Fall Semester Honor Roll Students: Great work so far this school year Freshman! We are proud of your accomplishments!
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse
9 HR
Midwest Wrestling Duals Streaming Information: Below is the link to the duals Friday, Jan. 22nd. It looks like you will have to pay a month membership to view the duals.
almost 4 years ago, Ed Rowse