Kearney County Health Services is having a COVID Vaccine Clinic for children 5-11. The vaccine clinic will be on November 9th and November 30th from 3:30-6:00. They are asking parents and kids to enter through the doors across from the Emergency Room Entrance.
about 3 years ago, James Widdifield
Covid Clinic
Last chance to order Whippet Basketball gear! Click the link below!
about 3 years ago, Whitney Maulsby
The CLJ MS Talent Show originally scheduled for Nov. 4th will now be held on Thursday, November 18th at 6:30 pm in the MPS Theater.
about 3 years ago, Ed Rowse
Congrats to the October Artist of the Month Kinsie Land. Kinsie is being awarded Artist of the Month for her drawing skills, craftsmanship, and ability to focus on the details of her artwork.
about 3 years ago, Minden High School Art
Change in schedule for 7/8 girls basketball. Nov. 4 at 4:30 in CLJ - 8th grade A will play, then 8th grade B & 7th grade A will split the second game. Final game will be 7th grade B. Wood River/Shelton high numbers have us making the change.
about 3 years ago, Stephanie Emery
Drew and Rilynn are our 6th grade students of the week. Thank you for being respectful, responsible, and safe.
about 3 years ago, Erica Jenkins
students of the week
Student safety is the top priority of MPS. Reminders for all drivers and students to be cautious while traveling to and from school: -Student and adult drivers should keep an extra eye out for students on bikes or on foot.  -Students walking should use pedestrian safety practices, such as using sidewalks and designated crosswalks -Bicycle riders should observe and obey all traffic signs. Always double-check before crossing the road. -Use extra caution by checking twice for pedestrians when traveling between 7:30 am-8:00am and 3:00-4:00pm. 
about 3 years ago, Chelsey Jensen
MPS is looking for route/activity drivers paying $42.19/route and $15.32/hour for activity driving and time at events, benefits included. We also have custodian/lunch positions open, wage is determined by experience and benefits provided. Go too to fill out an application.
about 3 years ago, James Widdifield
Minden Chamber of Commerce Kiddie Parade information is attached
about 3 years ago, Chelsey Jensen
Costume Parade
Starting Thursday, October 28th, HWY 10 will be closed at the railroad crossing located in Minden. North and southbound HWY 10 traffic will be detoured. The marked detour will use US-34, N-44, and N-4 in both directions. The work is anticipated to take 3 days.
about 3 years ago, James Widdifield
The sub district volleyball matches tonighht at Kearney Catholic starting at 5 pm will be streamed at: Go Whippets!
about 3 years ago, Ed Rowse
The MHS band performed at the NSBA State Marching Competition today and earned a Division 2-Excellent rating. Congratulations band!
about 3 years ago, Matthew Stubbs
MHS band
SWC Volleyball Tournament Whippet Nation Network Coverage
about 3 years ago, Whitney Maulsby
The MHS band will be performing at the NSBA State Marching Contest this Saturday. They perform at 2:15 PM at Kearney High School.
about 3 years ago, Matthew Stubbs
The Whippet girls and boys run at State CC tomorrow. Girls at 12:30 and boys at 1:30 at Kearney Country Club. Tickets must be purchased online here: Go Whippets!
about 3 years ago, Ed Rowse
Tomorrow's Rowdy Crowd Theme for the football game is Halloween! See you there, Go Whippets!
about 3 years ago, Ed Rowse
VB Sub District Information: Minden will play Cozad at Kearney Catholic Monday, October 25th starting at 5 pm. I have attached the bracket of the sub district. Go Whippets!
about 3 years ago, Ed Rowse
VB  Sub brackeet
What a great way to start the day! The CLJMS Student Council has been working hard to organize and implement our new Community Greeter program. Thank you Dr. Andy Craig & Dr. Cade Craig for taking time to greet our CLJMS students this morning!
about 3 years ago, Chelsey Jensen
7/8 basketball began this week! Proud of these girls for working hard!
about 3 years ago, Stephanie Emery
Reminder to all students receiving Laurels today: you can get your laurel, donut, and bottle of water on the top landing in the high school between 7:30-7:50 am. Class photos will be in the gym at 7:50. Don't be late.
about 3 years ago, Ed Rowse