Tune in to today’s basketball games against Valentine on Whippet Nation Network!
JV Girls @ 1:00
JV Boys @ 1:00 (ms gym, no stream)
V Girls @ 2:30
V Boys @ 4
Go Whippets!
Be sure to tune in to Whippet Nation Network for tonight's games against Ainsworth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKqQqpV-zJN9ZBrWV0D0DWw
JV Boys @ 4:30
JV Girls (MS gym, no stream) @ 4:30
V Girls @ 6
V Boys @ 7:30
Here are Decembers Lifters of the Month.
Our MPS students never cease to amaze us- here is an example of one of our very own who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way...... the WHIPPET way!
Mattie Kamery, a high school student, took it upon herself to organize and collect items for a local coat drive. Mattie came up with the idea of providing coats to those in need then spent countless hours organizing, collecting and delivering donations. Mattie also held a bake sale to raise funds to purchase new coats. There were over 200 coats donated in Minden and over $2000 raised, as part of the bake sale. Additionally, with these generous donations from our community, Mattie was able to deliver coats to surrounding communities & schools. Coats were donated to Minden Public Schools, Lexington Public Schools, The Closet, Goodwill and the Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach Center. Mattie continues to reach out to other surrounding schools to provide coats for students/ families in need. Minden Public Schools is grateful for these new coats for our students, especially on these COLD days. Thank you Mattie for helping others in our community, local communities & schools, and our students at MPS!
Tonight’s girls basketball games against Kearney Catholic will be streamed live on Whippet Nation Network at 5:30 and 6:45!
Congratulations to Aliena Osterbuhr for being selected as the December Artist of the Month! Aliena was selected for her drawing skills, creativity, and work ethic.
Minden FBLA will be hosting a soup supper for the Ainsworth basketball games on Friday, January 7th! All proceeds will be donated to Be the Gift in Minden. We hope to see you there!
Update: Girls wrestling-we have rescheduled a dual vs. Amherst for Tuesday, January 4th starting at 6 pm at Amherst Public School.
First time blood donors giving this holiday season! Way to go Whippets! #oneminden
Reminder K-12 students will be dismissed at 2:00/2:10 on Wednesday, December 22nd. We will start school on Wednesday, January 5th. Thanks for supporting our staff and students this semester. It will be great to see everyone back in 2022.
CLJMS Winter Concert
4th - 6:00 pm
5th - 6:30 pm
6th - 7:00 pm
7th & 8th - 7:30 pm
Will be streamed LIVE on Youtube: Whippet Nation Network
Fill the Bus 2021 was a great success. It was so much fun collaborating with all three schools to bring such and amazing donation to our town. With the help of all of our families we were able to donate more than 10,000 lbs of non-perishable items! #oneminden #themindenway
4-8th grade Choir and Band Concerts are tonight! We hope to see you there.
Minden girls basketball Tuesday, Dec. 21st: Due to low numbers for Gibbon the jv girls game will only be 2 quarters and the girls varsity game will start at 5:45 pm. Girls jv in the main gym and boys jv in the multipurpose gym at 4:30 pm.
[Red Cross Blood Drive] Come donate blood at our smaller community drive hosted at St. Paul Lutheran Church. Time slots are from 10-4 on Tuesday, December 21st. Schedule your appointment below.
MHS Winter Band & Music Concert - 7:00pm - Friday, December 17
YouTube Channel - Whippet Nation Network
Happy Holidays from the Dance Team!
Girls Flatwater Fracas: Online tickets ONLY. Ad - $12.00 per day; Stud (K-12 )- $10.00 per day. Purchase tickets online one of two ways: Go to the Heartland Events Center site: www.heartlandeventscenter.com, or go directly to www.etix.com and type in Flatwater Fracas
Sending some holiday cheer to our beloved Minden troops!
Heath Wragge, Erica Hansen and Amy Harsh- thank you for your dedication and service.
Love, CLJMS Students and Staff
Reserve girls/boys basketball @Kearney High Saturday, Dec. 18th- girls 9 am boys to follow. Monday, Dec. 20th boys reserve basketball @Broken Bow 6:30 pm in the Activity Bldg. Gym.